Write :
2. Write anything using either your left/ right hands
3. Most favorite alphabets
4. Less favorite alphabets.
5. "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
6. Tag 5 more persons/ bloggers
::Yatty..Inchik Sparky..Duan..
So, here's my handwriting..
Tagged By Cik Yatty
Brand: Guess
Price: RM70++
Where: Somewhere in KL

3. Take out what ever is inside your wallet
::IC,Lesen,ATM Card,Duit,Gmbr,Kad mmber2::

4. Snap a picture of your wallet with yourself
::Klako muka Cik Yana time nie::
5. Tag other 5 persons
::Cik Rama2::
::Inchik Erry::
::Cik Dilla::
::Inchik Pj::
::Cik Niza Crazee::
::De beberapa tagged lg yg blum dijwb::
::Sabar eh..Cik Yana akan jwb nye::