Sunday, January 11, 2009


Tagged dr Hunny

What if your ex said these to you?

1.hi how are you?
baik2 aje

2.hey!you want to go to mall?
yes i love to..but not with u ok

3.i love you
i love my boyfriend..fullstop u want some cookies?
yes..cookies mama aku je

5.can you take me a picture?
xmo la aku.. me in my homework
sume da beres..tima kasih jela's my gift to you
xyh la buang duit..dlu kedekut sgt

8.let's just be textmates
xnk la..aku da jmpe textmates aku you want me to buy you an ipod?
ikhlas ke nk belikn??huhu

10.let's sit together in the bus
xmo..duk ngan pakwe aku lg best

11.hi baby!
eeee...geli lah still cute
erm..tima kasih la

13.i still love you
but i hate u

14.can i visit your house?
dtgla kalo rse xmalu you love me?
no more love

16.mereka yg di tagged plak
aku x rse nk tagged org lah..
sori..xde mood:(

Tagged by Farah Amalina

Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with sixteen random things,
facts,habits or goals about u. At the end choose ten people to be tagged,
listing their names and why you choose them.
Don't forget to leave them a comment to read your blog.
You can't tag person who tagged you.

  1. anak kpd Mohd Yusof dan Aklima
  2. kakak kpd adik-adikku
  3. adik kpd abgku-afiq
  4. kekasih hati pd Syafiq Adi
  5. menyintai dan dicintai seseorg
  6. sgt suka melayari internet..dgr radio
  7. menangis tiap2 mlm sblm tido-miss my late father=(
  8. sgt suka baca majalah n novel2 terkini ALAF 21
  9. suka call n sms
  10. suka menyanyi time mandi-bole msuk AF ke?
  11. suka minyak wangi ESTEE LAUDER N J LO
  12. suka kuar jln2 tepi pantai
  13. suka tgok muka bf..dgr suara macho bf
  14. suka online tiap2 mlm kalo xde keje
  15. tido lewat kalo x ngantok
  16. ske kumpul teddy bear..key chain
Sape untuk di tagged:-
sape2 nk jwb..jwb jela ek..
mood aku tgh x elok nie=(

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