Don't lie while answering this tag
1.Would you like get back with your ex?
--x mungkin kot--
2.What colour shirt are you wearing now?
--ermm biru lor--
3.Would you like to kiss anyone on your friend list?
--yeah2..yg pompuan jela..xkn laki pun nk kiss gk--
4.Do you have a 'thing' for someone on your friend list?
--ade biarlah rahsia yer:)--
5.How many people on your top list do you know in the real life?
--syu..yyh..sis zura..2jela--
6.How many kids do you want to have?
--x fkr lg lor--
7.Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
--yeah sure2--
8.What name do you want beside the one you have now?
--xmo la..nme skunk da cantek--
9.Would you make up with someone of the same sex?
--no way--
10.What did you do on your last beday?
11.What your main ringtone on your phone now?
--Puspa by ST12--
12.What time did you wake up today?
--kul 7 kot..pastu trus cll..
13.What were you doing two nights ago?
--mengonline kn diri ku--
14.Do you like having your hair pulled?
--xmo la..sakit--
15.Name something you can't wait todo?
--beli sesuatu--
16.Last time you saw your mom?
--pas mgrb td..skunk mama kuar--
17.What is one thing would you like to change about yourself?
--erm byk kot--
18.If you have $250,000, what would you do with it?
--bwk fmly pegi umrah..insyaALLAH--
19.How long have you work for your current job?
--sebulan lbh--
20.Have you ever talked to Tom?
--Tom mne ek??xknal la--
21.Describe the underwear you have on?
--ooopss no komen..hakhak--
22.Last thing you ate?
--kek coklat--
23.What's your favourite month?
--january bday babe--
24.What's your least favourite?
--mcm2 la aku suka--
25.What is the last pieces of clothing someone borrowed from you?
--xpnh pun pnjam meminjam nie--
26.Who is getting on your nerve right now?
--erm ntah la ek--
27.Most visited webpage?
28.The last person text message you?
--sape lg..
InchikSparky la--
mangsa tag:-
--sape2 jela--